Tribute To Sadguru Atma Malik

Sadguru Atma Malik, the true Yogi who empowers you to explore your Atma (soul). Silent Babaji, who hardly utters any words defines Meditation as Wordless Knowledge. His Holiness who is also known as Vishwatmak Gurudev constantly emphasizes that Meditation is an Art of Loving Soul and the person who masters this art may live his life with full of happiness and contentment. Gurudev’s divine energy and intervention has transformed the lives of many people through his very own and ancient Yogic practices, such as Atma Fasting and Atma Meditation. Thousands of devotees across nations have experienced Sadgurus Magical smile and his mystical presence that has silenced their minds. In Sadgurus Dictum, Atma is the universal energy which transform human beings into a spiritual being through evolution by birth. Atma is the only truth that remains constant. Babaji’s birth and life journey has remained undisclosed. However there are traces of thapas that Babaji has done at many places over 5 generations inclusive of India, Malaysia, Singapore, Poland, Australia, Germany and many other countries where people celebrate this avatar although Babaji strictly prohibits worshiping him and his photos. We tribute our service through My Atma  to the Lotus Feet of our Sadguru Atma Malik in spreading His Holiness vision to transform mankind to be ‘Magnificently You’.

Vishwa Avathar Sadguru Atma Malik– Universal Energy Clothed in a Human Body

Vishwatmak descends in many avathar to restore cosmic order. Vishwa meaning Universe. It also means Omnipresent and all-pervaiding. Atma is the pure consciousness. Vishwatmak means Universal energy that is Omnipresent through pure consciousness. This ‘Pure Conscious’ re- incarnates in different Avathars whenever the cosmic is distorted. Reincarnation of Sadguru Atma Malik remains a mystery with a little exposed history about his childhood and thapas at various places. Sadguru’s devotees are always curious to find out his true identity. However their mind voice is always muted by Sadguru’s teaching on ‘Atman’ or ‘Self’.  Once in a while when Babaji indulge in such questions, Sadguru reveal himself as the ‘Pure Consciousness’ by telling devotees to only Meditate on Atmaswaroop in their heart and not to worship his body as an Avathar. This shows that once the Illusion (body) is seen through, the Self or Atman which is the Pure Conscious is realised. Atma which is a ‘pure conscious’ is separated from Vishwatmak by Sins. Babaji came to give himself as a sacrifice for all devotees so that we could reconnect with Vishwatmak. Sadguru’s great purpose for his incarnation is to save his devotees from their sufferings caused by sins. His Holiness restores his devotees to their Atma so that they may have eternal happiness. Sadguru demonstrates his Love for us through his sacrifices. Our Lord suffers punishment for our sins and in that way H.H. ease our sufferings to continue our life. Mission of this Avathar on earth is to fulfil Vishwatmak’s plan to seek and save the lost Souls.  Reincarnation of this Vishwa Avathar continues so long as there is ignorance.

Atma Malik.
By His Servant

Nages Ji